
About us

We're for social causes

The Indo Arab Confederation Council has since its inception four decades back been engaged in a dedicated and relentless mission to strengthen the cultural bond between India and the Arab nations. It engages itself in activities for the welfare and well –being of the Pravasi Indians. The Council has succeeded in maintaining and strengthening the age –old historic and cultural ties that exist between India and the Arab Countries through the implimentation of several projects. it also envisages and puts in to practise several schemes for the rehabilitation and welfare of Pravasis who have returned to India.

The Indo Arab Confederation Council (IACC)was set up in 1994 at Kozhikode an Assosiation, and later in 2014 it was registered as a trust. Today the IACC has grown into a mammoth organization with branches in all gulf countries besides in cities like New Delhi, Chennai and Bangalore in India.

Sri N.K Bhoopesh babu (Mumbai) noted industrialist who in engaged in social, political and humanitarian activities, renowned lawyer and cultural activist Advocate Harris Beeran(New Delhi)well known the Pravasi Merchant and Philanthropist Sri .Babu Francis (Kuwait) among many other stalwarts are at the helm of the Council, Providing proficient leadership .

Its our proud Privilage that the IACC has since the last many years organized as many as 170 seminars in which renowned historians, financial experts and social activist participated, also the council held innumerable NRI Conferences in India and abroad. The IACC is engaged in the initiative of starting schemes for providing appropriate employment to those who lost their jobs in the Gulf countries as a result of the economic slowdown and introduction of the system of job Priority for local people .it is also engaged in providing educational and medical assistance to Economically Backward sections of the Pravasis.

A much acclaimed global NRI Conference organized by the IACC was the one held in New Delhi new Maharashtra Hall on December 22,2017.Union Minister for minorities welfare and haj Sri.Mukthar Abbas Naqvi inaugurated the conference .The conference was graced by the presence of union social welfare Minister Sri. Ramada’s Athewala,Forgeign Diplomats from eight Countries,Relgious heads besides prominent personalities from the political, social and educational fields.

The decision taken at the conference to provide housing to 100 families from the economically back word segment in different states in India is in the process of being implemented. The organization provides financial assistance for the rehabilitation of financially distressed returnees from the Gulf countries and for the development of new industrial projects. Provides financial assistance to expatriate gifted students for their studies. Healthcare gives pre-eminence to charitable activities and provides better treatment to those who have spent the rest of their lives in exile and become chronically ill.

Fulfill our dream

Let's make a change

We exist for non-profits, social enterprises, community groups, activists,lorem politicians and individual citizens that are making.

India-Arab relations

One of the motives behind the formation of the Indo - Arab Confederation Council was to strengthen and maintain the ancient cultural and friendly ties between India and the Arab world. In assessing this fact, it is desirable and necessary to understand the depth and dynamism of the Indo-Arab relationship centuries ago.

History tells us that there were trade relations between Kerala and the Arab countries long before the beginning of modern history. Emperor Solomon sent a fleet of Tarships to buy food and medicine from the port of Ofir (Beypore).

The Phoenicians (Lebanese) were the pioneers in the trade. Mesopotamian culture and its constituent Assyrian, Sumerian, and Babylonian civilizations had warm ties with Kerala. The records of the traders and tourists who came to this place, then known as Cheranadu, are valuable for the study of Kerala history. The Hanging Garden of Barcelona is considered one of the wonders of the world. Teak wood was taken from Nilambur to fulfill the dream of Emperor Nebuchadnezzar. After fishing, palm oil and trade, oil deposits on the soil of the Arab people changed the world economy. Its best customers are Malayalees. From the beginning of the sixties, there was a group of Persians in this country. Gradually, a strong influx of people from India to the Arab world began If. At first, the helpless who were destined to suffer physically were gone. Gradually, the more highly skilled began to go

Although these changes have begun to change the face of Kerala. Kerala is now facing the return of those who lost their jobs and property from the Gulf. Rehabilitation of returnees is also one of the objectives of the Indo arab Confederation Council.

The Indo-Arab Confederation Council plans and implements projects to strengthen the lasting cultural friendship between India and the Arab world, especially Kerala and the Arab world. We must not forget that we are indebted to the Arab countries for the present material prosperity of Kerala. Thousands of Malayalees built their glorious future from here. The Indo-Arab Confederation Council is looking forward to seeing what happens next in the Gulf.